Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My studies in Druidry + more.. :-)

The Cabin
So I just finished reading Gwer 5, what a fun idea. It talks about building a place, a place of peace at one with nature. A cabin in a place that just feels right. Planting trees to replace the ones you use, building a hut with just what you need. Sink, Counter, Bed, etc. Near water as you need water to survive... A place to go when you can reconnect before going back to your daily life. Gives you a place to recharge and recoup.. become one with nature as needed. 

As I am reading this I am thinking what an amazing idea. I have always wanted to have mountain cabin with just the things i need. Cook outside. Do want a toilet of some kind however... Everything else natural would be so amazing. Living among the trees, nature, speaking with the goddess, mediation would most certainly happen there. 

So my question is this... I do not have a means to do this. How could I do this in my bedroom. I already have a Japanese Red Maple in my room, new and spindly but so powerful. It has not spoken with me yet but  have not really tried to speak with it either. Giving it time to settle in. I have three other plants, leafy plants, not sure what they are off the top of my head. Green leafy two of them and the other a red furry. 

Into the Grove
Meditation and getting into my grove seems to be a hit and miss situation. I keep practicing nightly and in the mornings when i think about it. This is something I want to do so badly especially with all that is going on. I could sure use the recharge on being able to do this. 

I even, one time, was able to do the light body excerceise despite the fact that I could not get into my grove to the fire where the druid sits to speak with. i want so badly to speak with this person but seem unable. I have so many questions to ask but do not know how. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hmm. teaching math would have been better, lol...

So, here I am today... subbing for a middle school math class but watching movies. So far I have watched 40 minutes of Persuit of Happyness, 40 min of the Sandlot, and 40 minutes of Remember the Titans. Have decided, I need to watch Remember the Titans, this looks like a great movie... The rest, the Sandlot I have seen before, rediculous movie... I love Pursuit of Happyness. LoveWill Smith!

Would have preferred to have taugh math though. Can't get on facebook and don't feel like reading the book I brought.. not much to do.

So, me and Chris.... Yes, we are together it looks like. I really like him... Love him maybe. Still need to meet him of course... He is very sweet to me though... I have a good feeling about this... Keep talking to my goddess, my spirit guides about him and all seems to be good. So here we go. I so hope he is what he seems to be. Cause I truly do love him... How exciting... Giddy like a little girl.