Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hmm. teaching math would have been better, lol...

So, here I am today... subbing for a middle school math class but watching movies. So far I have watched 40 minutes of Persuit of Happyness, 40 min of the Sandlot, and 40 minutes of Remember the Titans. Have decided, I need to watch Remember the Titans, this looks like a great movie... The rest, the Sandlot I have seen before, rediculous movie... I love Pursuit of Happyness. LoveWill Smith!

Would have preferred to have taugh math though. Can't get on facebook and don't feel like reading the book I brought.. not much to do.

So, me and Chris.... Yes, we are together it looks like. I really like him... Love him maybe. Still need to meet him of course... He is very sweet to me though... I have a good feeling about this... Keep talking to my goddess, my spirit guides about him and all seems to be good. So here we go. I so hope he is what he seems to be. Cause I truly do love him... How exciting... Giddy like a little girl.

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