As we draw closer to Samhain and Halloween, the veil is thin between the worlds. It's easier to make contact with the other side. What are you doing to do during this time when we can so easily contact our ancestors and those who lived before us?
I am going to first thank those who have been so diligent in helping me over the past year and a half. It's been such a hard time and even when I lost faith, many stayed to hit me over my head when I needed it. Many stayed to listen when I needed it. And many were just there to make sure I was never alone.

We are through the most difficult times now. I am working. Back at Muckleshoot and I feel so at home, much like I had never left. The kids have been glad to see me and have me back. The staff, most of them, seem to also feel that same way. I am back working with Kelley, whom I love dearly and Katherine is just down stairs. I feel so blessed to be back though a little nervous about waiting for them to hire me as a permanent teacher. Helen says do not worry. I will not worry when I sign that contract.

I have also gone back to school... again. Masters (professional) in Psychology this time. What I have always wanted to do. If I choose, will have to get my clinicals later but this is a start. Will be done around January 2014. Yay!

So, this night, this week, I will be thanking all of those who have stuck with me, those who have helped me through the past year. I will be looking for guidance to make sure I do not make the same mistakes again. I will be asking for healing for myself and guidance for my children as they make their way through this crazy world as adults. And I will be asking how I can be happy. I will spend this next year working on my Druid Studies, working on letting go of what I cannot change and control, and being happy in myself and with what life has given me. That is the key, being happy with what life has given me.
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