Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Path of Druidry by Penny Billington

Ok, so I realize I haven't finished writing about the last book, Druid Magic, but here I am all tucked in my nice cozy bed with my computer on my lap typing and I have my books here... I have my OBOD materials here for my next Gwersi, I have my mouse and my orange juice and my bed time tea here for when I'm done... But the notebook with the rest of my notes for Druid Magic is else where, not sure where. Probably still in my bag from work as at work I read on the kindle on my phone. Hmm. Well, not going to go get it now so I'll tell you about the new book I am reading. I so love new books. They smell good and the pages are crisp and unbent. The cover is so bright and shiny... Not for long. Lol... Time to read. I'm reading The Path of Druidy now, written by Penny Billington, who is actually one fo the people who keeps OBOD running. Can't remember all of what she does but she is a big part of touchstone, and other things too... There is a great interview with her in Druidcast ~ episode 55 from October 2011. 

Should be good. It's another like a workbook with activities at the ends of the chapters, discussions, and she has a funny personality stopping to tell you when it's time to get up and take a break
Put the book down for a moment. Shake your limbs to relax yourself. Check that your spine is straight and take three relaxed breaths with your surroundings. 

I am on page 9 right now in chapter one which talks about the Basics of Druidry. It's interesting reading all of the different books because they all give similar information with a personal twist that belongs solely to the author. This is not even all ringing true completely with the OBOD teachings so far which is funny as she is such a big 

part of OBOD. Anyway, love the fact that it's all so personalized and think it's amazing that we can all find our own way and that is ok. 
Time to go... Really should go to sleep but anxious to get into my new weeks gwersi... Check out my notes on the forums where the Gwersi come into play.. Love you all and night night... 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Studies in Druidry

Chapter 15 talks about Upholding the truth of Sovereignty. To me, sovereignty is our freedom to be who we are. This chapter talks about how upholding the truth of sovereignty helps us to be who we truly are. Lying can create a conflict in us that affects us so completely that it changes our personality, it discolors our aura, it makes us feel that we are not who we truly are. To be true to ourselves, to live in peace and harmony with others and ourselves, we need to hold true to the truth of our sovereignty, we need to tell the truth in all we do and respect the truth of others. Know that like us, if someone else doesn't follow this, they too will live in turmoil. To be true to ourselves and to honor ourselves and all that we are, we need to be truthful in all that we do.

Now, this brings up a question to me, one that I hear from students all of the time. What about a truth that will hurt someone. It’s usually petty things when this comes up like telling someone that you like their shirt or that you are not going to the party because you have home (and you just don’t want to go) but how does this idea fit here? I would love to hear the thoughts of others. For me, I weight the harm either way, if I lie, what could happen. If I tell the truth, what could happen. Hmmm. I look forward to seeing if anyone will respond. There are a few I know will.

Oh, the poem previously posted called teach refers to this chapter.

My Studies in Druidry

Book Review Druid Magic continued.

Chapter eleven talks mostly about how Druids, many Druids view the world. I found this chapter interesting because I always love it what text supports what I have always believed but never really had put a name or word too. I love knowing that other people see things that same way that I do, gives my own belief system a bit of solidity and reality rather than fantasy. 

The book discusses the “Celtic Cosmos” in terms of the land of the living, the fairy realm, and the human world. 

  • They describe the land of the living as the “land of youth”, the home for women, and the home of the “blessed ones,” and “our eternal selves” when we are out of our bodies.   To me, this seems much like what Christians view as heaven, what I view as the Summerlands. A place we all want to be, at least I do at this point in my life, lol… It’s a place where we all exist when we are in between lives here on earth, our celestial home, our true home.
  • The fairy realm is the place where the Sidhe live, the fairies, the Gods and Goddess.  To me this seems strange. I would imagine the Gods and Goddess’ would live more in the Land of the Living, our home when away from our bodies. Hmmm. Makes you think, right? Wonder how others feel about that? 
  • The human world, well, that is self-explanatory. That is here, our day to day lives, magical and mundane. All who are here on earth. 

The four pillars of Druidry are the basic belief system of Druids in general and really. Most I have talked to hold these same beliefs though not all. This is the nice thing about Druidry, it’s personal based on our own experiences and what we know to be true. Our beliefs tend to change and grow and we study and learn  because part of being Druid is being a lifelong learner. Everything is a teaching and learning experience and in life, this is something that we all need to remember. If we stop learning , life becomes stagnant  and we tend to lose our way. 

The Pillars of Druidry are as follows. 

  • Multiple lifetimes: The self or anam (Gaelic word for soul) comes and goes in an eternal cycles of lives. When out of body, they dwell in the land of the living. They can incarnate in any form. Detail from each life is lost as we pass from one life to the next but lessons learned from experiences carry on.  This knowledge can manifest as Awen as well as in the decision making process in a future life. 
  • Spirit in all things: The idea that all things carry spirit is not claimed by only Druidry. Everything is alive with a presence, a spirit, a goddess, different people see them as different things. I feel that each and every thing has a soul in it. Some things carry a soul that has reincarnated into it, others have souls that have been inside for years, centuries, maybe all time. I believe that the sacred places, the places of power around our great earth are these places with spirits that have existed in that place for centuries or forever. 
  • Reverences for our ancestors: As per the book, there is an awareness that each soul brings wisdom with it in each existence, both individual and collective. We carry the wisdom of our ancestors with us from life to life. The books states that in our DNA, we have cells from our ancestors inherited from birth and passed on through generation to generation. This is a new concept for me. I need to think about this more to make an educated decision, and one from my heart and soul.  For me, I think this in that we have the ability to communicate with or ancestors. We can speak with them, ask for guidance and understanding. This knowledge and wisdom we carry with us. 
  • Multiple worlds: This refers to the Celtic Cosmos… As seen above… Don’t see any reason to go into this again. 

Chapter 12 discusses what is Druidry… It was an interesting chapter but really did not prompt to much to write here. I did answer the questions at the end, one being “what does Druidry bring to your life?” This is my brainstorming list in the order that it came to me. 

I didn’t write anything about chapters 13 and 14 so I am guessing they were history stuff… Much of what we already know from OBOD. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Staring at me this morning in precalculus class

Bright shiny faces
Sudden confusion
Deer in the head lights
Numbers letters symbols
Progression of processes
End result
Don't understand
Correct answer

written by Mystical Journey 01/15/2013


The word of peace
Love and knowledge
Spread around
The world to whom
Ever will listen
As confidence builds
And people learn
They can control the destiny
Of the world when
We care for her
She in turn cares for us

by Mystical Journey 01/15/2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Let Me Go

Bubbling inside me
I feel it there
Wanting trying to get out
Afraid to be seen
To be heard could change
All could change around me
As I move run sleep
It is there always telling me
Let me go! I will carry you
All will be fine better
Then before you ever knew
When I fly free
You will understand the missed
And all will understand you

By Mystical Journey

Monday, January 7, 2013

My Studies in Druidry

Celts and Druids... Druids and Celts..Not one and the same? I have had people look at me stunned when I tell them no. It's like when people automatically think all pagans are witches... Ummm, no... Witches are pagan but pagans are not generally witches... and there are definitely Celt's that are Druid, but not all Celt's are not Druid... and today all Druids are not Celts either, depending on your definition of Celt! 
Now that I am not sure what even I'm talking about. Do not advise blogging at 5:10am because you woke up early and you are hoping for a job today. :-) 

Anyway, Chapter 9 talks about what these authors and what their research tells them a Celt is. It talks about the history of the people in middle and western Europe. I liked the fact that it mentions that these people did not call themselves Celts, that was the name given to them by the Graeco-Roman people who wrote about them. They probably called themselves by whatever their tribal or clan names were at the time. Sorry, of the subject a little. It makes me think, in how a people comes and in decides what to call "indigenous" people of an area regardless of who they are. Here in the US there is a tribe of Native American people who were generally from the area around middle Idaho, eastern Washington etc that are now called the Nez Perce. The original name for this group was the Nimi'puu (pronounced Nimipu) and they were renamed by the French settlers who came to the area. Where am I going with this? Well, Nez Perce refers to Pierced Noses... That was actually a tribe further east of the Nimi'puu tribe... This tribe did not have pierced noses or anything else for that matter. Kinda funny, right? Anyway, moving on. 

The activities at the end was kinda neat... I did not really do it though as I am a solitary and practice here on my own so I thought I would add them here to see what responses come up as I have no one here to do this with myself. :-)  

For Chapter 9, What is a Celt, it says:
Sit with a friend. Alternately finish these sentences. Repeat abot ten times.
  • A Celt is ...
  • A Celt is not ...
Try to avoid reversing what you said one time when you give an answer for the alternative. Instead originate something new each time and you will go much deeper into your current undemanding. Take you time. 

 Yes, I know you have not read the chapter but i would love to see what comes up with what we here already know. :-) 

Chapter 10 is much the same format except it talks about What Is A Druid. Does that mean I will get pointy ears and carry a magic staff? Will I have a long white beard and wear robes and tell people what will happen in their lives?

It discussed what their research turned up about the ancient Druids and and their roles in society and how it changed. It talked about Druids as healers, counselors, Power-brokers, and magicians. It also talked about how the roles changed when they started to move into society to work with the leaders and governments. It points out how woman probably stayed back working with the common people as mystics and healers while the men worked with the government as advisers and such. 

This chapter also talks about what being a Druid might look like today. Culture is so different in so many ways. Druidry has gone back to being equally women and men oriented as it probably was originally. There is a great reverence in caring for the earth and generally speaking a pantheistic belief system (I am sure how true that is, taken from the book). However, with so many people from so many different cultures around our world practicing, it is really difficult to note any further similarities in Druidry across the globe. 
Now there were several activities at the end of this chapter but one was similar to the last. Would love to see if anyone has input. It looks like this. 

Personal Myth: Joseph Campbell suggests that we each find the song of life, which tells us how to find our own way. Nobody can give you this personal mythology, but in it, you'll find the key to putting your talents into the world. You'll find guidelines for living the best way you can. You'll find your code of ethics, which all Druids live by. Mediate for a while and then complete these mythic lines:
  • I come from a people who ...
  • My gifts are ... and I pass them on by ...
  • I carry the bloodlines of he Aes Dana because ...

I suppose I should probably mention what the books says about Aes Dana:

The Challenge facing Druids today is to emulate the Aes Dana, the gifted people. At the time of the Celts, the Aes Dana were a learned class that included Druids - poets, healers, judges and law keepers- as well as blacksmiths, and other craft workers. Their gifts and  unusual skills were given in the service of the Celtic Society. Druids who associate themselves with the Aes Dana are blessed by Danu, the most ancient Celtic Goddess from whom the magical Tuatha De Danann descended.

Anyway, that is that. Chapters 9 and 10. Haven't read 11 yet but it's titled What is Druidry... Will tell you about that one as soon as i finish it up and ponder it a bit... Blessings to you... :-) 

the drawing above, while i could not find an illustrator or artist, was borrowed from

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Studies in Druidry

Oh yes, there was a book I was reading... a book i was reviewing and it seems that this has been put away for a while... or has it. Actually, i have continued reading... on the kindle on my phone when I am out and about but waiting like we so often do when we are out and about... however, with this reading on my phone... the writing doesn't happen. So I am now on chapter, umm. lets see here. I'm on Chapter 10 - What is a Druid but here it seems the last chapter i wrote about was chapter 6. Hmm. Oooops, lol... 

Now lets see here... My notes... My book.
Oh! Chapter 6. Ummmm... This chapter is titled Living your Sacred Sensuality... What do I need to say here? Well, for druids, sensuality is sacred, lol... It is magic and brings life and should be treated as such as all sacred things... and I am going to leave this one there. It's a great chapter, very enlightening and I am going to allow you the treasure of finding it on your own. :-)   Shy, why moving on... Hee hee... 

Chapter 7 Holding Druid Ceremonies in your back yard. This chapter talks about celebrations today and what you can do. It discusses the Druid Cross Quarter festivals along with the seasonals such as Imbolc and Samhain. Origins are discussed along with how the authors celebrate. There are so great ideas here.
Yes, going through this rather quickly. Not very interesting I am sure but want to get caught up. I will admit, while I find the book interesting, much is repetitive and things that many of us will find not new so moving on...

Chapter 8 was actually pretty interesting. it talks about the difference between different types of self-initiation. What do I mean different kinds of self-initiation you ask? Well, it's like this. There are those that we plan like the one in the beginning of the Gwersi, can't remember which number, but it's there. We plan it, read about it, and do it when we feel ready. Then, as per this book, there are those initiations that we just find, are thrown into, are thrown at us, or that we fall into head first. What-ever-do-I-mean you ask? Well, it's like this.

Do you remember the last time something has happened that was completely out of your control, sent you reeling into a tail spin and you thought it would never stop. For me, the thought that popped into my mind was this past year. Being sent to a place to help my sister, loosing everything including my mind, not helping my sister at least not in any visible way and crawling out of that wretched place barely by the skin of our teeth, literally (had one of them pulled last week). Well, after reading this chapter and then doing the last Gwersi that I did (see my notes on that in the forums) I have decided that this was an initiation into something. No, i haven't put my figure on what it was or why yet. Compassion, helping my sister, strengthening me, taking what little was left of my sanity and giving it to the gods, I haven't figured it out yet. i do know that now it seems that I can't handle anything without crying and it seems that I struggle just to get out of bed some days but I am working on it and I will succeed because I have too. Anyway, back to the initiation. The unplanned initiation is anything that changes your life, gives you new insight, makes you change your ways and/or see things differently. What a concept, right. Anyway, interesting chapter. Highly recommend it. It will make you look back at your life a little differently. 

The end of this chapter talks about activities you can do, as do all of the chapters... Oh, did I mention that before. This book is a bit like a work book. It gives you ideas for activities at the end of each chapter to assist in understanding or just give you something fun to do.. Kinda cool. I have done the a few of them as I read, some I have already done, and there are also some that I plan to do in the future. I also keep a journal on this book as I do for my Gwersi studies. Someday someone will go through all of this and know for sure that I am crazy... Hee hee. Just kidding. :-)   

Have a fab night... And a beautiful Sunday

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Prophet for a day!

Ok, so I made the mistake of starting this new year by doing two card readings on myself for the next year. Bad idea. I did one Celtic Tree Oracle and a Rider Wait reading both asking just basically what will next year look like. Both came up more of what I have always had. Just want things to be better for us.

Today Scott mentioned something to me in the group that I am going to take heed in. Going to watch The Secret again and try to get myself back in that frame of mind. Need to be there. I know it works, that it is the truth. To manifest what we want we have to believe it, know it, live it. It's so difficult, however, when life has proceeded to tell you different no matter what you try to do. Thank you Scott for the reminder of where I need to be and what I need to do... My prophet of today... Bright Blessings to you!!!