Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Studies in Druidry

Oh yes, there was a book I was reading... a book i was reviewing and it seems that this has been put away for a while... or has it. Actually, i have continued reading... on the kindle on my phone when I am out and about but waiting like we so often do when we are out and about... however, with this reading on my phone... the writing doesn't happen. So I am now on chapter, umm. lets see here. I'm on Chapter 10 - What is a Druid but here it seems the last chapter i wrote about was chapter 6. Hmm. Oooops, lol... 

Now lets see here... My notes... My book.
Oh! Chapter 6. Ummmm... This chapter is titled Living your Sacred Sensuality... What do I need to say here? Well, for druids, sensuality is sacred, lol... It is magic and brings life and should be treated as such as all sacred things... and I am going to leave this one there. It's a great chapter, very enlightening and I am going to allow you the treasure of finding it on your own. :-)   Shy, why moving on... Hee hee... 

Chapter 7 Holding Druid Ceremonies in your back yard. This chapter talks about celebrations today and what you can do. It discusses the Druid Cross Quarter festivals along with the seasonals such as Imbolc and Samhain. Origins are discussed along with how the authors celebrate. There are so great ideas here.
Yes, going through this rather quickly. Not very interesting I am sure but want to get caught up. I will admit, while I find the book interesting, much is repetitive and things that many of us will find not new so moving on...

Chapter 8 was actually pretty interesting. it talks about the difference between different types of self-initiation. What do I mean different kinds of self-initiation you ask? Well, it's like this. There are those that we plan like the one in the beginning of the Gwersi, can't remember which number, but it's there. We plan it, read about it, and do it when we feel ready. Then, as per this book, there are those initiations that we just find, are thrown into, are thrown at us, or that we fall into head first. What-ever-do-I-mean you ask? Well, it's like this.

Do you remember the last time something has happened that was completely out of your control, sent you reeling into a tail spin and you thought it would never stop. For me, the thought that popped into my mind was this past year. Being sent to a place to help my sister, loosing everything including my mind, not helping my sister at least not in any visible way and crawling out of that wretched place barely by the skin of our teeth, literally (had one of them pulled last week). Well, after reading this chapter and then doing the last Gwersi that I did (see my notes on that in the forums) I have decided that this was an initiation into something. No, i haven't put my figure on what it was or why yet. Compassion, helping my sister, strengthening me, taking what little was left of my sanity and giving it to the gods, I haven't figured it out yet. i do know that now it seems that I can't handle anything without crying and it seems that I struggle just to get out of bed some days but I am working on it and I will succeed because I have too. Anyway, back to the initiation. The unplanned initiation is anything that changes your life, gives you new insight, makes you change your ways and/or see things differently. What a concept, right. Anyway, interesting chapter. Highly recommend it. It will make you look back at your life a little differently. 

The end of this chapter talks about activities you can do, as do all of the chapters... Oh, did I mention that before. This book is a bit like a work book. It gives you ideas for activities at the end of each chapter to assist in understanding or just give you something fun to do.. Kinda cool. I have done the a few of them as I read, some I have already done, and there are also some that I plan to do in the future. I also keep a journal on this book as I do for my Gwersi studies. Someday someone will go through all of this and know for sure that I am crazy... Hee hee. Just kidding. :-)   

Have a fab night... And a beautiful Sunday

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