Chapter one was great. Along with taking about how this book relates to Silver's path, it discusses devotionals. There is a mediation here, the tapestry meditation, that connects you with the God above and the Goddess below that us amazing. I can't wait to try it.
The definitions of her views of fictional according to her wiccan tradition were wonderful and enlightening. She recommends having meditations, either written by you which is always more powerful, or other, in the morning and evening during times when you know you have a bit of time and will not be interrupted. Then again during the day at some point. Meditations to not have to be formal rituals and such. They can be as much as stepping outside to connect with the Go above and the Goddess below, taking a few quiet moments alone in your office during lunch, or taking a walk in the park during the afternoon. There is no set way to do this, it is up to you and what works for you.
This book. like so many others, is a bit of a workbook with including activities to try on your own. In this one they are called "Your Work." For this section she wants you to write a few of your own devotionals and start using them during your days. She also would like us to try the devotionals included in this chapter, several of which she wrote for use to use as guides or ideas to write our own. As we know, things that we write ourselves adds and extra power to them as they come from us for us. We should all try to write our own spells, rituals, and devotionals when we can. Of course, journaling about your experiences is the a witchy thing to do.
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