Sunday, April 6, 2014


Here we are, moving slowing but surly into the spring time of the year. Imbolc and Ostara have passed and we are moving towards Beltain and the fertility festival of old and new. What do I hope to be fertile in this year? Well, my new yard now has what will be beautiful gardens, flowers, vegetables, and herbs. I hope my soil is fertile and will products beautiful flowers and a bountiful harvest. I am now about half way through my five year plan. What is my five year plan? Well, as I am now teaching, I am working to gain what I need to open store and start seeing adolescences who need psychological help. I will be graduating with my Master's Degree in Psychology in May and hope to work out some kind of internship at Western State working as part of the Child Study and Treatment center. This will last probably the span of at least the next three or four years as I can only work there during the summers. Also, applying and hoping to move into special education with Clover Park School District where I am currently working. More money and more my cup of tea, though to still do not want to work with EBD children in a public school setting. Would love to teach at Fircrest, however, the school on the Western State Hospital campus. So I am hoping that prosperity and directions is abundant allowing me to continue with my five year plan. Save money, build my credit, buy my house within the next year, and open my store. In that order.

It's been a long extremely busy winter, just finished spring break, 45 days of school left and we are moving into the final part of the teaching year. Grateful this job is almost done and ready to move on to the next as long as I keep working.

Wishing everyone a  blessed and fertile spring followed by a long warm, prosperous summer in any way that you need.

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