Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Druidry Lesson 3~ The Gods and Goddesses

Some questions for you to think about:

How do you see the Gods? Do you feel they are real or symbolic? Are there many separate Gods, or are they all aspects of something else? Are there any Celtic gods or goddesses you have read about, with whom you feel a connection? Can you see ways in which stories about the Gods might be used to convey moral lessons, ideas about the natural world, advice on how to live or behave?

I think that the Gods are very real, the God and Goddess, with many different jobs and names. I am, at this time, unsure if there is just one of each or many. Still working on this. There is either a God and Goddess and they have many beings or personalities that meet our needs or they have maybe demi Gods who have different characteristics and powers who assist us with our needs. I am still working on this, not sure which and really, at this point, not sure that it really matters. 

My own personal connection is what makes me want to believe there is just one God and Goddess. When I make my connections, no matter the purpose, I feel it is the same connection to the same being. 

Stories about the Gods and Goddesses have been used for many many years to teach morals, give advice, and to teach new ideas. What a great way to teach and learn and this is how it has been done since the beginning of time, before written language, and beyond.

Practical task:

Pick an Irish, Welsh etc myth and read it aloud to a friend (ideally one with the same interests.) Discuss the ideas in the myth, and how you each feel about the themes and events. Which characters appeal to you most, and which least? Pick one of the god-like figures in the tale, and discuss how the story might seem from their viewpoint. Why did they act they way they did? Were there any particular animals, items, images associated with them in the myth? If so, what do you think they mean?

Have a go at creating an image of that character in a medium with which you are comfortable ~ you could write a poem about them, or paint a picture, or model an image in clay, carve something in wood, compose a song about them, embroider a banner etc. Try to think about the story and the character as you work in whatever form of artistic expression you most like.

I have not done this yet but will add it once I have. :-) 

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