Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Druidry Lesson 4~ The Ancestors and the Living Land

Some questions for you to think about:

1. What means would you feel comfortable using to try and sense the will of the spirit of a place?
Coming upon new places, I can feel, much of the time, the spirit of ta place. I know if it is a  happy or an unhappy place and have found that there are many places I can not go. Now, with what I have learned over the last year, I would meditate, maybe try to speak with spirits about or that occupy a particular place to get more information. Before, I just avoided those "bad places".
2. How far back can you trace your family tree? How much do you know about the lives of your grandparents, great-aunts, long-dead cousins etc?
I can only trace my family tree back 3 generations in my mom's side and one not at all beyond my dad as we are not really sure who he really was (lots of lies). I know very little.
3. How do you view humanity’s relationship to the land? Are we its masters, its guardians, just one species amongst many, or something else again?
  I believe that we are part of the land. We all work together to keep us all healthy and safe, humans and land and everything on/in it. All is alive and deserves respect and caring.

Practical Exercise

Try to meditate and make contact with the spirit of your house. If possible, ask it what it’s name is. See if it manifests in a particular way ~ does it look human, animal, or something else? Do you sense any particular aroma, sound, taste etc linked with it?

Having made contact, create a small shrine to it somewhere in your house. Ask what the spirit would like on the shrine, and if it has a preference for any particular type of offering ~ a certain food or drink, for example.
I have not done this yet but will add it when I do. 

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