Thursday, January 26, 2012

Druidry Lesson 12 ~ Funeral Rites and the Afterlife

Some questions for you to think about:
What would you like to leave behind when you shuffle off this mortal coil and become an ex-Druid? Reflect on your hoped-for legacy, both in terms of the achievements and impact on other people, and also of the material goods ~ what do you wish to happen to any Pagan goodies in your possession (swords, books, wands, crystal balls etc)?

My things will be left to my children. I do not want anything other then my protection stones, at least at this point, being burried or burned with me. I also hope to take something from each of my children with me into the next life, and grandchildren... even greats if I have them. I

I can see my son taking my Druid artifacts after I die as he is more interested in this kind of thing then I am. I will give each special items of course, the rest will be up to them. If there are items that they do not want, I will make sure that they have appropriate instructions on what and where to donate items for various reasons.

What do you feel the Afterlife is like, if you believe in one at all? Do you think all people go to the same place, or are there different afterlives for different people (according to religion, or how they lived their life etc)?

Personally, I do belief in an afterlife and reincarnation. I really do not know what this looks like but I do think that there is a time of reflection before you are sent or choose your next life. I think that our next lives are lived based on knowledge and skills of the previous lives and that the way you lived your previous lives can also determine what are who you come back as.

I feel that those in "limbo" or reflection, between lives, are still here just on a diferent... level-dimension-etc. With so many spirits and ghosts here with us, I do not see any other viable explanation.

Speaking of which, how does ones life influence ones Afterlife? Does a paedophile find the same Otherworld waiting for them as a surgeon who has saved thousands of lives? Is there any sense of reward or punishment in the world beyond?

As I believe in reincarnation based on how you live your previous lives, I think that everyone lives in the same reflection. However, a paedophile's next life is probably going to be spent making up for what he has done in his previous life. I feel that this person will be reborn as someone whose life is going to be very difficult for the times. they are going to have to work hard to get back to where they had once been. We are to harm none-- and I believe this goes for anyone who follows a "witches" path whether it e druid or wiccan... These people will have a lot ot make up for for harm they have brought on others.

Practical exercise:

A codicil can be added to your will, describing the type of funeral you want. So long as your wishes are within the law, the codicil then becomes legally enforceable by whoever you have appointed to organise the event. Plan your own funeral, if you have not already done so. Think about the following issues ~

• Burial, cremation, exposure etc. What would you prefer?
I plan to be cremated. This is a new decision as before finding my own spirituality, fire scared me to no end. Even after death, I could not imagine or even think about being burned. Now, I see this as a way of being given back to the earth, as you will see in the rest of my plan for my physical body.
• Do you want a fancy coffin, a plain box, a cardboard coffin, a wicket basket, just a winding sheet?
I would like my kids to pick out a box or vase to keep me in until I am scattered... or buried as the case may be.
• What should your corpse be dressed in... a suit/nice frock, Druid robes, a pink tutu, biker leathers etc?
I will have robes to be dressed in.
• Are there any grave goods you want placed in your coffin, or added to your funeral pyre?
I will have my protections stones buried with me after I am cremanted. Other items will be set later on such as the items I plan to take with me to my next life. The items, my children and grandchild will send with me.
• What music would you like played at the ceremony?
Something happy.
• Have you a favourite piece of poetry that you would like to be read out (and who do you want to read it)?
I just want my kids to speak of me, nothing specific. I will have a specific spell or chant to be read by both of my children when the time comes. I will put it here when it is written.
• Wreaths, flowers, donations to a charity, or something else?
I love flowers!!! Lots of flowers!
• How should the mourners dress... all in black, in fancy dress, in rainbow hues etc?
Comfortable but respectful. I would be disheartened to see people showing pu in shorts and t-shirts. This happened at a military furneral for my nephew (not family) and I was appaled as was the rest of the family. I couldn't believe the lack of respect.
• Do you want a Wake of some description? Open to all and sundry, or just a chosen few?
I want a wake with as many people as want to come. Only positive happy people (not includng being sad over my death). Drinks, food, music, dancing, games, fun, happy people. I will be back and will watch over those I love always!

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