Some questions for you to think about:
Are there any actions which you consider to be always bad or immoral? Are there any actions which are always good or desirable?
Are there any actions which you consider to be always bad or immoral? Are there any actions which are always good or desirable?
To me lying and cheating for gain would be something that should always be considered bad or immoral. I also feel that people that do things to others to make them look bad, or make themselves look good should be considered bad and immoral. Doing good for others without harming anyone should always be considered good and desirable along with being honest, helpful. Taking care of business and being trustworthy.
Can you think of ways in which the issue of making compensation might effect your own life... either where you were the victim, or the offender?
To me, the offender making compensation to the victim seems like a wonderful way to handle justice in all except maybe the most severe cases like murder or other cases that could put others in danger. Making someone have to do something for the viftim to compensate would not only teach the offender a lesson, it would be an example for others to not make the same mistake. if thought out, the offenders sentence could also make way in reforming the offender as they learn how and why what they did was bad and maybe learn a better way to handle a particular sitatuion next time.
To what extent do modern people have a responsibility for making justice happen? Is justice now entirely the preserve of the State?
Justice is an interesting thing in our society. The people do have a resposibilty to report things that happen if they are bad enough for the law to cover. There are many instances where this doesn't happen whether it be because the person was afraid, thinks that nothing will be done anyway, or is just embarrased. When we deal with our childrne, in many cases, we as parents are responsilble for dealing out justice. Yes, I do think that for the most part, justice is pretty close to entirely on the state or the government. This keeps vigilanty justice from running rampant. Do I think this is good? Yes, I do. With so many people, allowing individuals to handle justice could create nothing but chaos. I do think, however, that a new way of dealing justice is needed as what we do does not work. People steal over and over again, murders happen constantly. Burgleries, Drunk Driving. So many things that are simply rediculous happen over and over again for whatever reason. People these days do not take responsibility for their own actions. I did it because I'm disabled. She was bad to me first. I didn't mean too, I was drunk. Where justice comes into play, things right now are seriously messed up and out of whack.
Practical exercise:
Think of a situation in which you have deliberately or accidentally wounded another person by depriving them of something ~ health, material possessions, self-confidence, a relationship etc. Try to find a way to compensate them for this loss. If you cannot think of any such situation, then consider the impact you have on the environment and make a gift back to the Land for whatever it is that you have most recently taken from it.
Rather then what the questions asks, as I can not think of any time when I have hurt someone, and taking care of the earth is what I just do as much as I can, I am going to change this project a little listing immoral actions and possible recompensations... Practical exercise:
Think of a situation in which you have deliberately or accidentally wounded another person by depriving them of something ~ health, material possessions, self-confidence, a relationship etc. Try to find a way to compensate them for this loss. If you cannot think of any such situation, then consider the impact you have on the environment and make a gift back to the Land for whatever it is that you have most recently taken from it.
Theft: the theif would of course pay the victim back and also do some kind of work for the victim such as chores for a period of time depending on the seriousness and value of what was stolen.
Adultry: The spouse who cheated should have to appologize to both parties publicly, attend counceling to see who this kind of behavior effects the partner who is the victim, and should have to announce to to community what was done. they will then take nothing with them if the spouse decides to leave.
Breaking and Entering: The recompensation for this should be similar to what is done for theft accept.
Violence of any kind without death: The victim should be made to work in some kind of victim rehab facility to show him/her what he did and how his/her actions affected those he/she hurt.
Lying about and/or spreading rumors about another person: The liar should have to publically appologize and state why they did what they did, said what they said. Then they should have to work for the person, or someone else, as repayment for what they did. I also think they should have to work in a facility where they help other people who are victims of any kind.
Basically, I feel that people truly do not and need to udnerstand how their actions affect those around them. Even if it's not the person they hurt directly, they need to know.
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