Sunday, March 11, 2012

Patience on the Path

Remember: “There are just as many young sages as there are old fools”.
1. When you started on your path, did you find yourself getting into the trap of thinking you had it all together after only a short time?

No, I have been on the path for about a year and still feel like I know so little. I have come a long way, am narrowing my path now to druidry, where I always knew I belonged, and am even getting ready to dedicate myself to this path. But I am a life long learner in all aspects of my life, and this is not different.

2. As a young person, did you ever find yourself being discredited because of your age or lack of experience? Looking back, do you see this is a sort of milestone along life’s journey towards personal growth?
I have lived a rather difficult life, like any other. We each have our own lives and comparing is subjective, I know. I do not think that I was ever really condemned as not knowing because of age once I was out of my parents house. I had lived a lot of life by the time I was out of high school, much of which no one knew about. Having kids and a divorce by the time I was 22. People really figured I was pretty knowledgable. I do have people now, in my job, who like to treat my like I don't know what i'm talkiing about  and when it turns out that I do, they say nothing.

It has only been recently that I have decided that it doesn't matter what they think I can do. I know what I know and what I am capable of. I am becoming more capable every day in so many aspects of life. That is all way can do, right!

3. Do you ever find yourself discrediting young people?
I do not discredit young people. Young people these days are smart and are not given enough credit. So many live lives as teens that their parents could never understand and this gives them wisdom. Many come from  homes that cause them to live lives that they do not deserve and this makes them knowing, and in many cases damaged. I would never discredit a young person... I do, however, discredit adults because there are many of them who need it.

4. Looking at your life so far, how would you chart the path you have taken using milestones or points of change?
Hmmmm. This one is an interesting question. It goes back to learning that santa was not real because my dad couldn't wait to put out presents until i was asleep. It moves on to the realization in middle school that I was my own person and not the person that my dad wanted me to be. This is also about the time that I starting "knowing" spirits and ghosts. In high school i continued to play the game. Several unfortunate out of my hands events happened to me in highschool that damaged me for a very long time. Abusive marriage, playing the game, doing what I was told. Two beautiful kids and a divorce later and I am now me. Not sure who that is, but that is where I was. Over the years I learn to work with my uncontrolled gifts. I take care of myself kinda and raise my two fabulous kids. And this eventually leads to where I am now.

Everything that happens in our lives is what makes us who we are. I am here now, despite things that were horrible by my standards and things that were horrible by any standards but without those experiences, I would be a different person now. I kinda like myself at this point in my life so there you go!  

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