Ideas for Honouring the Season of Imbolc
- Learn how to make Brighid’s crosses
- Light a white candle for Brighid at dusk
- Leave milk, bread and a ribbon outside on your doorstep for Brighid and her cow as they walk in your locale
- Make a Bride doll and Bride’s bed. Offer it to Brighid and keep it in your home all year long. (These are great gifts for friends who are recuperating from a birth, illness or surgery)
- Note that the days are beginning to lengthen
- Begin “planting the seeds” of your plans that you made at Samhain
Questions to Ponder:
1. As the days begin to grow noticably longer, are you beginning to feel the stirrings of spring in the air or even in your spirit?
I am now past Imbolc, in fact we just passed Ostara. Here is western Washington, re truly do not start to feel the spring changes until late March, early April, even still getting up in the dark. There is a hope in your spirit that Spring will soon come, but truly that is about it.
2. How are you planning on celebrating Imbolc this year?
I made a wonderful spring dinner for my mom and sister and did a spring type ritual including a blessing for a prosperous and abundent year. It was to cold (we had snow this day) and wet for anything outside.
3. What healing and inspiration do you want to bring into your life during this season of healing and rebirth?
I am continuing healing of my spirit as well and growing in my spirituality.
4. What are you "birthing" this Spring (i.e.: ideas, projects, etc that are starting to take shape)?
My business will keep growing, my store front will open this year, and we will begin the process of building our home, hobbit house.
5. How has Brighid influenced your life? (if at all)
Directly not at all but I believe that she is one who has been pushing me forward through the hard times of the last 8 months... She and the Morrigan have been behind me, supporting me, and moving me forward and on with my endeavors.
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