Thursday, February 2, 2012

Druidry Lesson 14 ~ The Use of Herbs

Some questions for you to think about:Have you used herbs before to any extent ~ in cooking, brewing, healing, spells, incense making etc?

Over the last year, I have started to use herbs for everything I can where appropriate. I have replaced all medications (dpression, thyroid, etc) with herbal remedies for a couple of reasons, lack of insurance and health. I drink medicinal teas daily including dandelion for thyroid, chamomile and scullcap for sleep, St. John's Wort as needed for depression.

I have always cooked with herbs, both dried and fresh as I like spicy foods. I am just now starting to use incantations to bless and spell our food as i learn more.

I use herbs always in formal spells where I actually sit at my altar, wherever that may be. When asked what kind of a witch I am, I tell people that I am an herbal candle eclectic witch.. I use a little of everything. I also love to burn fresh herbs on coal as homemade incsense. yummy...

Have you ever attempted to communicate with a plant, or felt any sort of sapient presence from one?

I will admit that verbally communcation with the plants is new to me. It's interesting that I read that in this lesson today and last night in the Ann Moura book I am reading, Green Witchcraft I. I will be doing this from now on, especially when planting and harvesting. I even drempt about this last night. Guessing this is something I am suppose to be paying attention too.

Have you ever gone vegetarian, or changed your diet in anyway to include foods that you thought might be healthier? How did you feel?.

I am not vegetarian but eat a low fat diet. I eat lean meats, fish, seafood, and a lot of fruits and vegies. The plants are definitely the main part of my diet with meat as the main proteins. I feel so much better as long as I get my fruit and vegies every day along with my medicinal teas... When I forget my tea, I can feel the difference for a couple days, even after I start drinking it again...

Practical exercise:

If you haven’t already got one, create a herb garden (use a trough if you live in a flat.) If you already possess such a thing, use edible herbs to create a healing concoction for yourself, a pet, or another person. Check that none of the herbs would be adverse tot he person being treated first!

As noted above, I am treating me own medical ailments completely with herbs. I use dandelion to control my thyroid, St. John's Wort for depression as needed (this is rare since I have embrased my spirituality), and othes for variuos things. A big one is sleep which I use chamonile (fresh dried, not store bought tea bags) nightly with scullcap and/or valerian as needed.

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