Friday, February 17, 2012

Druidry Lesson 20 ~ Sacred Space

When conducting solitary rituals, do you use the same level of ceremony as when working with others? Have you ever conducted or participated in a “public” ritual, where there were observers unfamiliar with what was happening? If so, did you change the nature of the ceremony in anyway?

A year ago I did participate in a very informal small Ostara ritual but I do not feel it was something like what is talked about with coven and groves. It was more like a prayer among about 15 people. The leader cast a circle and there was an ask for blessing by each person and then the circle was closed. This is the only thing I have done that was not solitary. And... I was the one who was unfamiliar with what was happening. I do not feel that I changed anything other then being there with a bunch of people I did not know.

What are the legends associated with the place in which you live? How well do you relate to the locale, its stories and spirits?

I really do not knkow anything about the lore where I live. I have not been here very long and until now I had no intention of staying. I plan to look into the area's history. We have several Native American Tribes in the area including Chehalis tribe, and Quillyette, and some other but that is really all that I know at this point. I do not know how well I ift in as I have not tried to fit in. There are not enough trees here, I feel lost most of the time but I have no way to change my locale at the moment. I have not really found anyone here whom I really relate to other then my sister and, well, I don't know. I have not found anyone here whom I would call a close friend. I feel over edcuted with most here, I miss the trees and my walks in the woods. I miss the quiet of the city.. yes that sounds crazy but I have not had a quiet night here yet. It's like crawling out of some kind of a whole but never making any progress.

Spirits, this area seems to be very empty of the nature spirits. I have found only a few starved whom I have tried to help by giving my energy but as there are so few trees from which I draw my own energies, I have very little to go.

Can the holiness of a place be spoilt or desecrated? If so, how? If it can be violated, can it also be restored (and by what means)?

I do think that the holiness of a place can be spoilt or desecrated. If enough negative energies are thrust upon a place, the holiness of this, I think will move away to someplace more appropriate ofr survival. I also feel that it can be restored with the right energies but am not sure that it could be restored to its original glory.  

Practical exercise:

If you have completed this book and haven’t totally lost interest in the topic, this is the time to leave the theory behind and start on the practice! Create your sacred space, choose the venue carefully and get on good terms with the spirits there. Conduct your first ritual ~ to mark the season, to honour the local spirits, or simply to celebrate Life itself.

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