Compiling info for my business plan as I prepare to open my store. Please, if you can spare a few minutes to take my small survey. Thank you.
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Sunday, May 26, 2013
So I am in love with a man who cannot love me. Not sure how I get myself into these situations. I wish there was a way that I could get out. He is suffering from the loss of his wife, a wife who chose to leave her family and husband for a life of being single to find, as she told him, "someone to grow old with." I have watched him over the years try hard to save his marriage, even tried to find ways to help him save his marriage, but it ended anyway. Now, here we are, I am seeing him but can't have him. I watch him hurt, a pain that i do not really understand as no one has ever loved me like that. I would not leave him as I would never want to give him the pain of someone else leaving him. The pain in his eyes causes pain in my heart as I have not way to ease his pain. I know that time will heal him, he will and is finding a way back into the world, finding himself and is way to be happy again on his own. But will that ever in the future include me. I am here for him with all that I can give. But I hope someday to be the woman he looks at with love in his eyes as I look upon him. Is it possible? No one else has ever loved me as such. Will this thing happen for me?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
What a day
So this morning I wake up feeling like I just want to cry. Ugh. I get up and check my school site and someone has decided to redo everything so that I have to start my part of the assignment all over again. I find three spiders, which I am completely terrified of in my house. Then - I get to the school where I am subbing and on my walk around to the front door, there is a dead rabbit being eaten by crows. I think I should not have gotten out of bed this morning, should have just stayed there.
Of course this is a long day. I have not had any time to myself to ground and center and will not get any time except in my car on my way to my next job. What a day.
The sub I am subbing for (the regular teacher is on maternity leave) left redicuous plans noting that everything is set up - nothing is. The students are loud and off task (the loud could just be because I am annoyed) and I just want to go home. Can't wait until this day is over.
Of course this is a long day. I have not had any time to myself to ground and center and will not get any time except in my car on my way to my next job. What a day.
The sub I am subbing for (the regular teacher is on maternity leave) left redicuous plans noting that everything is set up - nothing is. The students are loud and off task (the loud could just be because I am annoyed) and I just want to go home. Can't wait until this day is over.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Still moving forward
So... This week there is no school Friday and a small chance I will not be working tomorrow either. So, going to see if I can meet with someone about doing market research and finding out how to do projections for my store. Gotta get this business plan done so that I can keep moving forward with my shop.
In the mean time, applied for 6 more teaching positions today, all sped - at the elementary level. Hoping to secure one for next year. This will releive so much stress, give me a way to do everything I want to do.
Goddess please grant me the strength to do what I need to do and keep moving forward with positive spirits along the way.
In the mean time, applied for 6 more teaching positions today, all sped - at the elementary level. Hoping to secure one for next year. This will releive so much stress, give me a way to do everything I want to do.
Goddess please grant me the strength to do what I need to do and keep moving forward with positive spirits along the way.
Monday, May 13, 2013
To Stir a Magic Cauldron - finishing it up
Great book. Highly recommended by this little witch. That last couple of chapters talks about knowing who and where you are in the big scheme of things, the pagan community, what is happening around the world, and how we fit into it. Great reading, some additional info, and many many recommendations and references. As noted, i most definitely recommend this book to a newby or anyone who just wants to know more - like me. I love to know what other people are thinking and Silver is definitely a favorite. Have you seen her book "Solitary Witch"? Great reference material also... Anyway, ending this book, another to finish up on that I already started here. Moving back to Path of Druidry by Penny Billington... Blessed be to you all.. Have a great week!
To Stir a Magic Cauldron Ch. 8 ~ Conjuring by Circumstance
Keep my words positive - words become my behaviors
Keep my behaviors positive - behaviors become my habits
Keep my habits positive - habits become my values
Keep my values positive - values become my destiny
What great words. I see them floating around facebook often copy and pasted onto various inspirational pictures. I am sure that I have even shared them in the past from someone else's posts. This chapter is opened with them as this chapter deals with using magic as the need arises. There are many reasons to use magic and it can be used for any reason. Remember, however, to stay positive, use it for benefit, and be careful not to try to or even accidentally change the course for someone else when they are not aware. There are many laws and rules floating around but it basically comes back down to our our beliefs and how you see Karma. Don't do things that could hurt others as it may come back and bite you on the butt... Even if you feel you are helping, you really do not know how things will turn out, you do not know the whole story, and you do not want, while trying to do something good, to make things worse. The best rule of thumb, I think, is to just stay away from doing things for people without their permission.
Anyway, back to chapter 8. This chapters is basically full of many spells and rituals used by Silver at one time or another. It's a great chapter if you are looking for a way to solve a specific problem. We all know that spells are better when written by you, they tend to hold more power, your power, but if this is not something you can do yet, by all means, there are some great ones here. Otherwise, reading spells from another that have worked can be a great basis for ideas when writing your own. Ready them and learn. The chapter includes various banishing spells, divinations, love spells (that doesn't effect the other person), rites of passage, and others.
The chapter also talks about when to perform spells and when it's better to wait. I wanted to touch on this briefly because I know we have all had moments when we are angry, upset, or hurt and we kKNOW the thing to do right now is to give the guy worts or a sixth finger on each hand or make his hair all fall out but this is not the time. Do not do magic when you are overly emotional. Magic is emotion and strong emotions can make things happen that you do not necessarily want to happen - at least you might not want it to happen tomorrow. And always remember Karma... You don't want some emotional spell coming back on your three fold or ten fold or whatever you believe. That would just not do. If there is a problem, put it away for a while. A day, a week, come back and handle it when you have your wits about you, when you can make a good valid decision and carry it out without becoming "crazy." In the long run you will be glad you did. And also, remember that thing called Karma... It doesn't just come back to bite us witches - it comes back on others too. Someone who does you wrong will get their "come up ins" - of course they will. I will admit though it's much more fun to help Karma along sometimes, isn't it.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
To Stir a Magic Cauldron Ch. 7 ~ Minor and Major works
Spells ~ Prayers ~ Celestial Magic ~ Lunar Magic ~ Days of the Week ~ Planetary Hours ~ Planetary Aspects ~ Minor Magic ~ Petition Magic ~ Eight Gates of Light and Dark ~ Candle Magic ~ Cord Magic ~ Gem Magic ~ Element Magic ~ Trance and Magic ~ Major Magic ~ Tarot Magic ~ Herbal Magic ~ Tallismanic Magic ~ Magical Alphabets ~ Sympathetic Magic ~ Ritual Magic ~ Cauldron Magic ~ along with spells and correspondences....
What can I say about chapter 7? Wow. I am not sure that she could have squashed any more information in one chapter and then you get to the end and three pages of correspondences.
What are major magics vs minor magics Well, Silver lists minor magics at petition spells, gem magic, candle magic, cord magic, and element magic. I am sure there are many more but these are the main categories that she lists. She then lists major magics as tarot magic, herbal magic, talismanic magic, alphabets, sympathetic magic, ritualistic magic, and cauldron magic. I am not sure I agree with all of this or that it even matters. I feel that, if you are going to label your magic, the more you put into it or require of it is what is going to magical working minor or major.

Choosing the right spell for the job. Yes, this is important though it's not always something you have time for (at least to think about it to much ~ we talk more about that in Chapter 8). When you have the time, it's always good to look at every aspect of your spell that you can. Days of the week, time of day, where is the moon and sun at any given time. What color of candles or ink do you want to use. What Runes or witches alphabet will you use in your inscription or to inscribe your candles?
This chapter is one to open to again and again just to check thing. Some really great info here... Check it out!
To Stir a Magic Cauldron Ch. 6 ~ Aspects of Divinity
When you cast our circle, work your spells, or set your rituals, do you call specific deities? Do you call upon the Lady and Lord? The God and Goddess? Or do you just call upon the powers that be? For me the answer to this question varies depending on what I am looking to do, the purpose for my spell or ritual. When I need courage or strength I call upon the Morrigan, the Goddess who chose me over a year ago through various means. I have written several spells/rituals to call upon specific deities as well as general callings depending on the need. I also have spells and such written specific to call upon he aid of the elements, which I work with often.
In chapter 6, calling Power and the aspect of divinity, Silver talks about many ways to call upon any power you may wish to invoke. She talks about what she calls the ten ways to raise power.
Where are my own spells? Rituals? Well, maybe someday I'll write a book too.. Maybe. Working on it? Hmmm. More thoughts. Ya know, I seem to be thinking to much today, lol.
She includes rituals for aspecting divinity, The Morrigan, Wisdom, using the power of drumming and rattles, Moon power, sun power, star power (no i don't mean Johnny Depp though I would like to know how to conjure him), and using trance work... Yes, not going into it any more then that. Enjoy!!!
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Gotta love the comic book Celtic Gods/Goddesses |
- meditation
- aspecting (a form of possession) and invocation
- trance and/or astral projection
- potions including herbals, incense, and wines
- dancing and or drumming or other music
- blood control (biofeedback)
- working with stellar, earth, sun, astrological energies
- chants and sacred breath
- spells
- sex
These calls can be used individually or mixed together in ritual, as I am sure many of you do. I know that when I attend public or group rituals you see mediation, dancing and drumming, chants, and work with energies. In my own circle, I use mostly mediation, aspecting, potions, energies, chants, and spells ~ often many at once or maybe individual such as a healing mediation.
This is such a fun and informational chapter... Not going to give details cause I truly think you will want to read it yourself. I will say, however, that you want to read Circle of Stars. Great... The other rituals she gives are fab. Drawing up plants to help them grow is one I am looking forward to trying once I am in a place of my own. Also, living in the Seattle area, I am so going to be trying Conjuring the power of the wind and rain. That one, it seems, like it should have been made for this area specifically. A variation of this one, I am sure, will eventually make it into my own BOS.
As i have written several callings for the Morrigan and her personalities (Macha, Babd, and Anu), I was thrilled to read the one she included in the book. Her's is nothing like mine but gave me thoughts in possible future writings of my own. Hmm. Interesting...

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He could totally be a God, couldn't he? |
To Stir a Magic Cauldron Ch. 5 ~ Casting Circles
This was in interesting chapter of not entertaining. She discusses the basics of casting circles but then goes on to talk about some pretty interesting, even funny versions of circles she has seen cast. Exploding circles, misty circles, circles of fear and circles of power. She discusses balance in circles, talks a lot about what she feels is a must in circles (I think that it's great to know what other people do but that you need to decide what you want on your own), and goes on to give examples.
Yes, this is a very quick summary of chapter 5. It's great and if you are looking for some great examples of circle casting to get you started, i highly recommend this chapter. But I'm going to leave it there. Enjoy!
Yes, this is a very quick summary of chapter 5. It's great and if you are looking for some great examples of circle casting to get you started, i highly recommend this chapter. But I'm going to leave it there. Enjoy!
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