Monday, May 13, 2013

To Stir a Magic Cauldron Ch. 8 ~ Conjuring by Circumstance

Keep my words positive - words become my behaviors
Keep my behaviors positive - behaviors become my habits
Keep my habits positive - habits become my values
Keep my values positive - values become my destiny

What great words. I see them floating around facebook often copy and pasted onto various inspirational pictures. I am sure that I have even shared them in the past from someone else's posts. This chapter is opened with them as this chapter deals with using magic as the need arises. There are many reasons to use magic and it can be used for any reason. Remember, however, to stay positive, use it for benefit, and be careful not to try to or even accidentally change the course for someone else when they are not aware. There are many laws and rules floating around but it basically comes back down to our our beliefs and how you see Karma. Don't do things that could hurt others as it may come back and bite you on the butt... Even if you feel you are helping, you really do not know how things will turn out, you do not know the whole story, and you do not want, while trying to do something good, to make things worse. The best rule of thumb, I think, is to just stay away from doing things for people without their permission. 

Anyway, back to chapter 8. This chapters is basically full of many spells and rituals used by Silver at one time or another. It's a great chapter if you are looking for a way to solve a specific problem. We all know that spells are better when written by you, they tend to hold more power, your power, but if this is not something you can do yet, by all means, there are some great ones here. Otherwise, reading spells from another that have worked can be a great basis for ideas when writing your own. Ready them and learn. The chapter includes various banishing spells, divinations, love spells (that doesn't effect the other person), rites of passage, and others. 

The chapter also talks about when to perform spells and when it's better to wait. I wanted to touch on this briefly because I know we have all had moments when we are angry, upset, or hurt and we kKNOW the thing to do right now is to give the guy worts or a sixth finger on each hand or make his hair all fall out but this is not the time. Do not do magic when you are overly emotional. Magic is emotion and strong emotions can make things happen that you do not necessarily want to happen - at least you might not want it to happen tomorrow. And always remember Karma... You don't want some emotional spell coming back on your three fold or ten fold or whatever you believe. That would just not do. If there is a problem, put it away for a while. A day, a week, come back and handle it when you have your wits about you, when you can make a good valid decision and carry it out without becoming "crazy." In the long run you will be glad you did. And also, remember that thing called Karma... It doesn't just come back to bite us witches - it comes back on others too. Someone who does you wrong will get their "come up ins" - of course they will. I will admit though it's much more fun to help Karma along sometimes, isn't it. 

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