Spells ~ Prayers ~ Celestial Magic ~ Lunar Magic ~ Days of the Week ~ Planetary Hours ~ Planetary Aspects ~ Minor Magic ~ Petition Magic ~ Eight Gates of Light and Dark ~ Candle Magic ~ Cord Magic ~ Gem Magic ~ Element Magic ~ Trance and Magic ~ Major Magic ~ Tarot Magic ~ Herbal Magic ~ Tallismanic Magic ~ Magical Alphabets ~ Sympathetic Magic ~ Ritual Magic ~ Cauldron Magic ~ along with spells and correspondences....
What can I say about chapter 7? Wow. I am not sure that she could have squashed any more information in one chapter and then you get to the end and three pages of correspondences.
What are major magics vs minor magics Well, Silver lists minor magics at petition spells, gem magic, candle magic, cord magic, and element magic. I am sure there are many more but these are the main categories that she lists. She then lists major magics as tarot magic, herbal magic, talismanic magic, alphabets, sympathetic magic, ritualistic magic, and cauldron magic. I am not sure I agree with all of this or that it even matters. I feel that, if you are going to label your magic, the more you put into it or require of it is what is going to magical working minor or major.

Choosing the right spell for the job. Yes, this is important though it's not always something you have time for (at least to think about it to much ~ we talk more about that in Chapter 8). When you have the time, it's always good to look at every aspect of your spell that you can. Days of the week, time of day, where is the moon and sun at any given time. What color of candles or ink do you want to use. What Runes or witches alphabet will you use in your inscription or to inscribe your candles?
This chapter is one to open to again and again just to check thing. Some really great info here... Check it out!
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