Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 25 of 100 days of gratitude:

Today I am grateful for what I have learned to take power over myself and my own feelings. While I am just learning to control this, it is sometimes so hard. Today I was able to have a good day despite all that has happened, the stress of these days, and the fact that I did not feel well. I give thanks for my studies and to the goddess for helping me through all that is happening to me at this time.

I give thanks for the love of those around me. My mom, my sister, my children, Darren, and all of friends and family on facebook. I could not make it through this life without you all.

I am grateful for the sunshine yet again today as it feels my goodness, my happiness, and my health. Without you, and I know that in the great northwest, it will soon disappear into our rainy season, i would wither...

I am grateful for the energies of earth, the protection of earth, and all that it does for me and all of us, including those that have no idea.

And last but not least.. I am grateful for my totem.. my ravens/crows in nature and those inside me. Thank you for the strength to keep moving forward. 

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