Friday, March 25, 2011

According the Celtic Tree Oracle, March is the month of Nuin, or the Ash tree, otherwise known as the World Tree. The ash can be seen as spanning both microcosm and macrocosm, a little world and the great world. Think about this. Earthly things are miniature reflections of the universe, the cosmos being reflected in us. All things in this world are connected in some way, remember this as you move through your day. Your deeds form part of a far greater, even endless, chain of events, and your own pathways have their reaction in the outer world. Be aware of yourself, of what is around you, and you will have better understanding of your own life, your own problems and questions.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Full moon and Ostara

What a fabulously beautiful day today. It was sunny though chilly but who cares. I was just brilliant to see the sun for a change. I attended a meet and greet celebration at the store today.Oh wait, you don't know about the store. I am purchasing a store, Mystic Wonders (!/mystic.wonders), today. It was great. Met some people, patrons of the store. Many very nice sweet people and knowledgeable too. They were pleased and excited to answer questions for me about anything that I wanted to ask about and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Anyway, full moon tonight.The moon is closer to the earth then it has been since 1992. It is an amazingly powerful feeling to feel the goddess so close. While she was difficult to see where where I live, I could see her through the trees, hence the photo. My circle tonight was beautiful and fullfilling. I could feel her power here with me as I asked for assistance and protection for my family and myself. I asked for guidance in my business endeavors that I am trying to get closed up and assistance in retaining the money for the purchase. It was awesome. And when I closed, I was exhausted. So here I set, drinking a little more of my wine, watching tv and thinking I really should head to bed. However, at 3:45am, my alarm will go off, waking me for a huge event. People all over the world are getting together in the morning to bless our earth and to ask for healing for her. Great disasters such as the tsunami ( in Japan are happening everywhere, the earth is calling and begging for healing and we are hoping to help. It will be a beautiful thing.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our Powers

I was surfing the net and came across this and while I have never been drawn to the fancy suns that you hang on the wall, I found this and thought it was so beautiful and it has so much meaning for me. It just struck me. What do you see in this image?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Focus and Meditation

Ok, this morning I tried to do a spell from a book. This was a tarot spell for happiness called the Wheel of Fortune Spell and it seemed simple enough. I was unable, however, to visualize that I was  suppose to visualize for the spell. After the recitation, I was suppose to visual the wheel turning, faster and faster, inside me symbolizing a new power being awaken inside me but I could not make the wheel turn. I visualized instead my own happiness, what it would mean to have enough money to live, things I could so like visiting my kids in Idaho more often, going out to dinner with my mom, being able to pay bills and afford the things I need and would like to do. I am confident that this worked and that I will see benefits materialize that I desire but am curious as to why I could not visualize the spinning wheel. If anyone has an answer, I would love to hear it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dark Moon

What a peaceful energy I have received tonight. It was very quiet, very calm, and very moving. I don't know if this is the energy common for a dark moon or if this is just my energy for a dark moon. I cast my first circle tonight. I had to do this indoors, of course, as it's cold and rainy in the Seattle area tonight... That never happens. I used the wand cast from Ann Moura's book, Grimoire for the Green Witch. Despite my practice prior, I stumbled a lot. Maybe the power would have been greater if I had been better prepared but I believe that this path is all about personal and practice. It's about coming  up with words that work for you. It's about learning wisdom from others and making it your own. 

I am planning to try again tomorrow night. I will practice, make some adustments. I want to make basic lines become a normal part of my vocabulary. I find that childhood habits of religion are difficult to break even if you haven't said the words, used the chants for years. I believe what I am doing, I believe in my spells and that the goddess works for me and through me and that with I will be free. She keeps me healthy, she can keep my happy, and she takes care of me. I just need to find may own form of celebration, sacrifice, and way to ask for help. 
I will work on this and try again. I will practice, try different herbs, candles, oils, incense. I will find my way and love my friends and mentors along the way... 

Thank you Maureen, Brigid, and Karen.You are blessings to me and I am glad you are my friends and sisters.