Thursday, March 21, 2013

To Stir A Magic Cauldron: chapters 2 - 3

Chapter two starts out by talking about sacred space. What is sacred space? Depending on your path or "religion" as Silver calls it, it is where ever you feel the most safe, a place that has been cleansed and blessed as a place for ritual and spell work. Silver is a lot mroe formal in these things then I am in my own practice and she is very into the ritual and all of it's components. She has some great ideas here and a lot can be learned from her.

She discusses shrines to the areas where you sacred space might be. In your home, your yard, etc. I love how she talks about walking the land, your space, getting to know the area where you live. Learn the weather patterns, learn about the energies that are there, learn which way the winds blow and what comes and goes with them. Some really great information here. Introducing yourself and speaking with the earth energies in any given place is a great idea and will help you not only in your work, but also give you a better understanding of the spirit world would have availble for you to work with in your area.

One of the "Your Work" sections in this chapter asks you to think about what makes you feel sacred and what makes you feel no so sacred. This was a difficult task for me an it took a lot of thought. Things that make me feel sacred are the love from my family and friends, but I am far away from my family at the moment and really do not have many friends. Unfortunately, due to axiety issues and being quite shy, friends are difficult for me and I find that I am not a very good friend to even the best of friends. I try, but lately times have been difficult and I find that I tend to be on my own most of the time. I also feel sacred when I am in my grove, when speaking to my druid guide, completely my bardic grade studies through OBOD, and/or working on my own personal studies such as working throught this book. When do I not feel so sacred? When I am angry or frustrated which recently has been often. I do not feel very sacred when I am sick (as I am today) or when I feel that I am not accomplishing or able to accomplish the things I need to do.

In this chapter she also talks about centering yourself and then seeing yourself from outside of your body. I would say that this is the beginning of an astral travel kind of thing. I am looking forward to trying this but am not at a place in my home where I can at the moment. My mom is going to be leaving, going back to Spokane and then I will have more time alone, lots of time alone, where I will be able to focus more on these types of skills. The idea of astral travel has always scared me but I feel that I am ready to try and the way that Silver approaches it is easy and slow paced. Sounds like a plan to me.

She goes on to talk about various salutes and triggers. The salutes are really not soemthing I am intersted it but the triggers, I think, is something that we all do maybe without even realizing that we do it. Triggers are movements of things you can say that bring you to a specific feeling, spot, or idea. For example, to calm yourself you might have a hand movement or a quick prayer or saying that automatically brnigs calm to your being. I love this and know that I do it often.. especially in my car when I am having a bad day... "goddess bless me with peace" does it and I immediately feel that peace and calm throughout my body allowing me to smile a bit and move forward with whatever it is I need to do.

Silver loves speeches and shrines. If I have learned nothing else (I have learned a lot from this book by the way) from this book, I do know this. There is one shrine idea that I love and plan to do myself once my home is all my own. the Eternal Flame House Shrine sounds amazing. Decorating your shrine to your goddess/god of house and home sounds amazing and like a great way to keep things in your home as they should be. My goddess of hearth and home is Macha (one aspect of the Morrigan, my patron Goddess). This will be an amazing project to do.

The information about the meditation fo the five winds was interesting and there is some great information here. I loved reading about it and plan to learn about the winds, the directions they come from, and what each directions does for us. This could be so usful when wanting to bring things into being or rid ourselves of things we do not want. Can't wait to get started on this reasearch project and be able to use it in my own spell work.

Laughter. We all know that laughter has healing powers. When performing rituals, spells, whatever, we need to remember to laugh at ourselves. Everything does not have to be all serious all of the time. I would not start laughing if your priestess is perfomring a great rite that you are part of, but knowing when to laugh, espicially at yourself, can be a wonderful thing. We all make mistakes and the Gods know this. They are not going to strike you donw because you get the giggles during the calling of the directions or the closing of the circle. Don't take youself quite so serious all of the time.

Important: Remember, it's all about intent. What does this mean? It means that reading a ritual from a card means that you are probably going to spend more time on reading it correctly then the feels, the intent, the focus of what you are trying to do. Intent is everything. Not tools, not works. intent. Memorize what you want to do. It's not a race, take your time, visualize, focus, see what you want. Spend time with each aspect of your ritual or spell... It's all about intent. Without strong intent, strong will, your spell or ritual will not have the power you want tor need to do what you desire.

I'm not going to tell you about the Robe of Star because I want you to read about it. it's awesome! Check it out.

This is a full chapter... I have skipped talking about much of it, touching on parts that I found interesting for my own practice or that I found particularly cool... I highly advise reading this book so far so that you can see what I have neglected to discuss here.

Choosing your patron dieties. This, now, is a serious matter. You do not have to choose a patron diety if you do not want to. However, many prefer to have one diety or set of dieties to work with. This can help to bring specific qualities and powers to what you do. I myself was chosen by my patron Goddess, The Morrigan chose me a little over a year ago. Well, actually, she chose me before that but told me who she was a little over a year ago... I call to her three sides, Macha, Anu, and Badb. She covers all areas of my life msot of the time and we work well together. Don't get me wrong, she is touch on me. Definitely not all peaches and cream and she has kicked me in the butt to straighten me out on more then one occassion.. But she also leads me, protects me, and watches over me as I move through my days.

Well, you are not caught up with me in this book, all the way through chapter three. I have actually read chatper four too but will catch you up there next time. Have to say I am loving it so far and wish I could spend more time with it... It will most definitely become a new go to for info along with my my Scott Cunningham and Anne Moura books. Can't wait to delve deeper into Silver's work.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

today today today

So here I sit today in a scence class watching a movie... the typical movies you see on education channels at home. Fun stuff here.

So I got a long term teaching position, April 22 through the end of the school year, should get me through the summer as long as I get enough hours at Sylvan. Yay!

What's with the blog post today? Boredom, no other way to put it. Sitting here with nothing to do will do it every time. Lol... Kids are suppose to not talk during the video or they have to write an essay about the movie. That always works.... the same who I am sure talk all of the time are talking but they are quiet, so I just let it go. I know that if I assign the essay, they will not do it anyway.

So for the first time ever I am about to be living along. I have always had someone in my house with me from my family, to my husbands, kids, and last mom. I'm not really worried about being alone, I am however worried about financial stuff... The summers are always so hard I am not sure how that is going to work out. I think I have it under control, with the long term sub position I mentioned, should set me up well for this summer but we will see what happens.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

To Stir A Magic Cauldron

Chapter one was great. Along with taking about how this book relates to Silver's path, it discusses devotionals. There is a mediation here, the tapestry meditation, that connects you with the God above and the Goddess below that us amazing. I can't wait to try it.

The definitions of her views of fictional according to her wiccan tradition were wonderful and enlightening. She recommends having meditations, either written by you which is always more powerful, or other, in the morning and evening during times when you know you have a bit of time and will not be interrupted. Then again during the day at some point. Meditations to not have to be formal rituals and such. They can be as much as stepping outside to connect with the Go above and the Goddess below, taking a few quiet moments alone in your office during lunch, or taking a walk in the park during the afternoon. There is no set way to do this, it is up to you and what works for you. 

This book. like so many others, is a bit of a workbook with including activities to try on your own. In this one they are called "Your Work." For this section she wants you to write a few of your own devotionals and start using them during your days. She also would like us to try the devotionals included in this chapter, several of which she wrote for use to use as guides or ideas to write our own. As we know, things that we write ourselves adds and extra power to them as they come from us for us. We should all try to write our own spells, rituals, and devotionals when we can. Of course, journaling about your experiences is the a witchy thing to do. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

To Stir a Magic Cauldron by Silver Ravenwolf

So I needed something different so tonight I started a new book. Well, actually it's an older book that has been sitting on my self I just decided it's time read. I already know that Silver Ravenwolf is funny & writes well so I guess it's about time. I have several of her books that I have picked though but this will be the first I have read through. If you're ever looking for a great book of info and correspondences, Solitary Witch is fabulous. Anyway, if to bed with me and my book.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Book if Spells by Gregory Branson-Trent

Ok, so this was a quick read as I didn't read page for page through the spells. It's a great book for the basics. It has some wonderful how to information for the person just starting out. What I can add is to remember that this is a very private practice. No matter what book you read, make it your own. What works for one person may not work the same way for someone else so when you find something you like, make changes, make it personal, make it what it needs to be fore your own use.

Some really great info I found that is not always in other books was how to make a BOS. It gives great instructions on how to create the book and what you might wan to put in it. I have always loved the binder idea. As someone who is really over organized, being able to add items in the middle is amazing. However, if you are wanting that leather bound journal look, you just learn to deal with some chaos, lol...

It also discusses how to write spells. It talks about "props" or tools and intent, chants, and other components  However remember. These things are all to show intent to make your will and focus as strong as it can be. That is what spell work is about, intent. If your intent is strong, you can perform spells with only your will. No props are necessary.

The book goes on to give information on simple spells, great places to start. Consecration and cleansing spells are always a great place to start. Though I know people do it all of the time, i was a bit concerned that the astral projection section was right at the beginning. I feel that astral projection is something that is mroe advanced and should be done with care. That is just my opinion however and to each their own. If you do try this, despite the fact that the book states that it's easy and that there is no danger, please be careful here.

The rest was basic simple spells. It's a great resource for ideas, spells to manipulate and change and make your own. If you do decide to pick this book up to read, I hope you enjoy it. It's quick and easy, maybe a couple hours at the most unless your read through every spell.... 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Book if Spells by Gregory Branson-Trent

Yes, I am reading two books at once along with my Druid studies. Crazy, well, maybe. Honestly, I have this book on my kindle and am reading it when I am away from my house. So much easier to carry around me Kindle then the big book Path of Druidry. So I read that one at home and this one else where.

What do I know about this book? I saw it months ago and thought, that is one I need to read at some point. Why? Not sure, just had a feeling so here we are.

As I have done with other books, I'll tell you about thing that I find interesting and informational and you'll have a good idea of it's something you might want to read yourself.

Enjoy! Hope I do!