Sunday, October 28, 2012

Today's Facebook Daily Question

Ok, do I thought this was a good questions and decided that it would make a good blog post also so here it is....

Daily Question: For some strange reason, there are people out there who feel they have to have a problem with what we believe to be true. How do you decide who knows truly who you are and who does not?

For me, other than in my work, keeping my belief system secret is not really an option. As I work to open my store, advertise my online store and move forward in my life, people are going to figure it out if I don't tell them anyway. At my work, one of the nice thing about being back at Muckleshoot, working for a tribe, their beliefs, though many are Catholic, are similar to mine anyway... Being Native American, the beliefs center around the earth and such anyway and my belief system as a druid is not so far off. They even do circle and smudging every morning with the elementary school. It's like coming home there.

When I first came “out of the broom closet”, I of course told my mom first as she lives with me. She is supportive, always has been and wants me to be happy. She see’s a calmness in me that was not there before (and kind of disappeared over the past few months, hee hee). I told the rest of my family about 2 years ago when I was looking at buying Mystic Wonders (which I now live directly behind). Figured it would be easier to tell them then have them figure it out when they came to see my store. Lol… I a very lucky as they are all supportive and understanding. My children always  knew to an extent and are supportive now. In fact, my son is following in my footsteps so to speak as he explores his own gifts.

So, who knows about me? Anyone who pays attention I would say. And for the most part, I have not run into any problems with it…

Though I will add, in looking for work as a teacher, I have had to keep my two lives completely separate as school districts now “google”  you before they ever call you for an interview. Finding references to my belief systems and my store did make it so that I did not ever get any calls for jobs… once I was able to complete separate the two, I was able to go back to work as a sub and eventually get interviews again. How wrong is that? 

I will post other answers to the question here as they come in. This question was posted in four places... Life's Mystical Journey Facebook Group... The SWWPA Facebook Group, My google+ and the forums

Samhain... The Veil thins, and new year begins.

As we draw closer to Samhain and Halloween, the veil is thin between the worlds. It's easier to make contact with the other side. What are you doing to do during this time when we can so easily contact our ancestors and those who lived before us?

I am going to first thank those who have been so diligent in helping me over the past year and a half. It's been such a hard time and even when I lost faith, many stayed to hit me over my head when I needed it. Many stayed to listen when I needed it. And many were just there to make sure I was never alone.

We are through the most difficult times now. I am working. Back at Muckleshoot and I feel so at home, much like I had never left. The kids have been glad to see me and have me back. The staff, most of them, seem to also feel that same way. I am back working with Kelley, whom I love dearly and Katherine is just down stairs. I feel so blessed to be back though a little nervous about waiting for them to hire me as a permanent teacher. Helen says do not worry. I will not worry when I sign that contract.

I have also gone back to school... again. Masters (professional) in Psychology this time. What I have always wanted to do. If I choose, will have to get my clinicals later but this is a start. Will be done around January 2014. Yay!

So, this night, this week, I will be thanking all of those who have stuck with me, those who have helped me through the past year. I will be looking for guidance to make sure I do not make the same mistakes again. I will be asking for healing for myself and guidance for my children as they make their way through this crazy world as adults. And I will be asking how I can be happy. I will spend this next year working on my Druid Studies, working on letting go of what I cannot change and control, and being happy in myself and with what life has given me. That is the key, being happy with what life has given me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

So many changes

So much has happened over the past week it's a wonder I have been able to keep up.  Not sure how I have but here I am.

So, I did it. Moved back north, in Lakewood now and so so happy and excited to be here. Everything is so close. Stores, parks, whatever we want or need. Today I even went to the ER (bronchitis) and it was only 10 minutes away, and I was in and out in less than an hour. Yay!!!

The apartment is wonderful. Every room is larger then the last two places we have lived except my mom's room and she spends very little time there. The fireplace is amazing to have again. The trees on the grounds are old and amazing, I can't wait to commune with them and get to know them better, and it's so amazingly quiet. It's so odd, I think, to move back to the city to get quiet and amazing trees.

Since moving such amazing things are happening. I got a call from Adele at Muckleshoot Monday to tell me about the high school sped teacher who left with no notice. They need someone and she thinks it should be me. I am working on it and while Monday it as a long term sub position, now it is a contracted full time job... I so want that job. The drive is about 40 minutes, not bad and it would be before rush hours.

I also got word today that I got into my Master's in Psychology program at University of Phoenix. Yay! My first class starts on Tuesday. Yay!!!

What a great week... Other then being sick, it's been amazing. And today I spoke with Darren and it looks like I will get to see him this weekend also. Yay!!!

Anyway, time for bed. Things to do tomorrow and Friday will go finish up the apartment. Thank the Goddess for helping me to turn things around. Bright blessings to all who read this and those who don't...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Trees

Ok, so i wanted to post a picture of happy trees so I typed in happy trees and got this... I loved watching him when I was a kid... He and his Happy Trees!!!
RIP Bob Ross

Day 44 of 100 days of gratitude

Went north today to look at apartments and found nothing. One was two small, way to small especially for the money. The other was gorgeous but no ground floors available. The last one, actually the first was ok but didn't really like the complex. So, we moved on. I had talked to another complex just before we left and they were checking on the possibility of allowing Ziggi so we drove by on our way home. Absolutely everything we are looking for including having a two bedroom two bathroom... yay! Hopefully they have one available! That would be amazing. Anyway, we are going to look into that one. Also, mom is going to call and see if we can get paperwork to qualify Ziggi as a service animal so that we can get her in regardless of breed and with no deposit. Yay! This is going to be great. According to the person I spoke with today, they have half a month off rent right now so we could move in for $300... plus half a month prorated rent which means if we wait until the middle of the month, like the 13th, almost nothing... yay!!! And... on a side note, the apartment is located directly behind the old store, Mystic Wonders, where we would love to open our store... yay!!! Eerie and exciting and possibly meant to be? We'll see. yay!

I am grateful for a great day, things working out like they should and seeing that is it going to happen, and the strength and ability to find what we need.
Mystic Wonderes Shop... Hopefully soon to be Life's Mystical Journey

Lexington Apartments

Steilacoom Lake