Friday, January 23, 2015

Our Adian is home! She walked into the house about 1:15 this afternoon!!!! She is home and safe. Thank you everyone for everything!!! spread the word!
This is my  niece. She has been missing since early Tuesday morning and is in desperate need of her meds. Please help. If you are in the Eastern WA, North Idaho area, please share. Contact myself or David Hart, her dad. Contact info is on the poster. Thank you! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

A wedding in my family

So as of 4:00 this after noon and I am now the proud mom of a son in law... Yay! Wish I could have been there. Can't wait to see and get pictures. Yay Sharaya and Mike!!!
And here is the first kiss picture!!!

They are standing in front of the frozen waterfall next to Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, AK.